Dear Mr. B:
I must start with the word "luck", which in this case the definition is far away from what some people might think while speaking about you: money, fame, famous friends, etc.
Right now, the word "luck" is intended to be taken more as a possibility, as a position in the world, in certain places or sorroundings. For example I might say that you don't have the luck to be enjoying with a rural family, a nice and traditional meal, and after that be amazed by their religiosity and their show of respect with dances. The cosmovision of human is difficult, the cosmovision of the indigenous peoples is so intrincated. It is such a different world.
Perhaps you are not interested, but perhaps you are, and the thing is, that if you would decide that, you would be lucky to do that, because your position in the world helps you to do a simple thing like that, travel to a country, find someone who knows about that and that can help you to make a differnt and novel trip, having a new vision of the world, learning whatever you want to cath up from the experience.
On the other hand, I am not lucky enough to catch a plane, meet you where ever you are, say hi and start a conversation. And all because I don't belong to you social circle. You know what?, that pisses me off, because all the chances of getting to know you are terribly low. Guess what, because of a "different" world. The thing is, this is not a different world as the one i have described above, no, this world is almost the same as mine, but with a small difference: fame.
Gosh!, saying that fame is stupid, is even more stupid, because that then would eliminate any possiblity of this alternate reality of the so called glamour, fans, touring aaaaaaaand, a wonderful presumptuous team of people who is in charge of making any possibility of getting to you almost impossible :(
Ok, i admit it, my world is not almost the same then, but, why? You see, this is my point, your world is there where i don't have the slightest luck of one day getting to you because you are like someone different, someone far away from the poor mortals down here just dreaming of a simple thing, been lucky enough to one day be invited to some of those "gorgeous" parties full of celebrities, looking to a corner and watching you there standing all by yourself just waiting to talk to somebody nice, or in any case, just waiting to walk away from that person, but at least i was close enough to try it.
Or, being one of those poor mortals singing your songs, watching you playing the guitar and been lucky enough to get a backstage pass to talk with you. No, no, that is reserved to... i don't know who. I mean i am not saying that you should be disposed to meet every fan and have a deep conversation with them, but at least being open enough to share some minutes with him/her... wait a minute, i am rambling, of course i think you should be disposed to do that, in any case that is the reason why you have a place in that other silly world. I don't care if it sounds impossible, every time you could do it (i mean not being hurried up at an airport or busy with your schedule) you should it. The thing is that might even more impossible 'cause i guess you are always busy, -or not interested- in that world where we (the common mortals) don't exist.
But that is just a bit of my anger speaking, because of course i don't want just some minutes for asking the normal questions, about the next album, the expectations about the concert or whatsoever, no, i would want the opportunity to meet you and have a normal conversation as any other two strangers that popped in that precise moment into the life of each other; and then, let it flow.
The problem is, how would that by any chance might happen?... NEVER :(
Because i will never be invited to one of those parties or be allowed to enter backstage.
I mean, because there is also the other side in which you are not even interested in this "crazy" luck or possibility to happen. Probably if by any chance a lucky fan gets to approach you, you will give an autograph, probably change some words, and then leave, because you are not interesting in mixing those "two" worlds in which i dream that in few minutes we would have a nice chat and then you would say: hey i would love to talk more with you, meet me after the concert. (or something like that)
you cannot blame us for liking you, you are out there showing your beautiful face, but in simple words you are just any other normal guy who had the chance and the talent to be infrot of a musical project and get to be knowed by a lot of people, so how not to look at you?... the thing is we (I am) are not lucky enough to be seen by you, or even get considered.
That is sad, because if i would be lucky enough to walk around the same sorroundings you do, i might have a chance to meet you. Or if you were not out there in that musical project, then i might have never known about you and never wanting to meet you. Of course there is always two sides, but in this case it just exists one, because you do are part of a musical project, you are indeed known by some people and that's why i know you and dream of getting to you, because i like you.
Then you might ask: "and why the hell you like me? you don't know anything about me" that is part true, because i do know your face, the way you play the guitar infront of an audience, your voice, and your music; well man, that is the start anyone needs. If you wouldn't be famous, (and i would be lucky enought to be close to you) the reasons would't change that much, it is just that i would know your face, the way you play the guitar infront of me or friends or acquaintances, your voice, your music.
You might also ask: "and why the hell i should like you? I don't know anything about you"... well that's is total fair and common question, and i cannot tell you here exactly why, but that is the point, i would like to have the opportunity to show that you.
I won't even think of the possibility of rejection because the possibility of knowing you doesn't even exist, so... what the hell, let me dream that one day you will read this and will say: i would love to tak more with you, meet me after the concert.
Like Oscar Wilde once said: "I have the simplest tastes. I am always satisfied with the best.”
(Don't feel so overwhelmed -or delighted- by thinking you are the best :P, probably you are not, but that would be also a wonderful thing to discover and then for me, in a positive case, you would be the best) (in a negative case, well, i would leave saying, i tried it, better that than never knowing) (The thing is that we are both humans, with flaws, faults and beyond)
OR: “Whenever a man does a thoroughly stupid thing, it is always from the noblest motives" (i mean the stupidy of writing this)
OR: “They spoil every romance by trying to make it last forever.” ;)
PS I think i wanted to say more or to "explain" more, but my ideas are a bit messy and would just arrive to the same point, i am not lucky enough to get to know, but i would love having the opportunity. I refuse yet to accept that you are